Tuesday, 25 October 2011


Certain forms of stress are good for you e.g. anticipating a reward. However stress which begins to affect you is undesirable. Such a condition needs change. Although we can not change the world we can change how we react to it.

The first step is to look for the cause or causes of your stress reaction. There are 100's of stress factors and even though you may not know what  causes your particular stress it will probably fall into one of the following major categories.

*  You have inherited a model for stress.

You learn how to behave from watching others and what situations produce predictable behaviour patterns. If family members showed stress you would inherit it by copying the model.

* You experience stress because you have a type A personality.

  • Prone to your own overachievement
  • Habit of forcing yourself to work towards unrealistic goals
  • Consistently competitive
  • Constantly aware of time and prone to rushing
  • Quick to show anger
  • Cynical

Recognise yourself yet?

You are addicted to stress and such stress could act as a start for illness, particuarly heart attacks.

*You experience stress because of fears, awfulising and 'should'.

You focus on nightmares, catastrophising, worst alternatives produce a continual stress. 'Shoulds' are disruptive to emotional wellbeing. They are rules you believe you must live by: you punish yourself with condemnation eg ' I should be perfect'. You are living with an invisible list of burdens.

* You experience stress because of inescapable pain and discomfort.

This type of stress comes from a real cause. Both physical and emotional sensations are felt. You feel set apart, isolated, perhaps guilty and angry at being the 'sufferer'.

How can hypnotherapy help?

By pinpointing the when,where and why of the stress, you become more aware of the response patterns. Thinking of positive, realistic replacement responses helps the subconscious mind so tha it can be reprogrammed. In this way you can manage your stresses in a better more meaningful pattern, because you have far greater understanding of the underlying causes.

For further help with stress phone 015395 65893.

Monday, 10 October 2011

What is anxiety ?

Contrary to popular belief anxiety does not arise directly out of dangerous or painful situations. Anxiety actually arises out of the thoughts  in a given situation. It is the thought of the potential danger, not the actual danger that produces the symptoms of anxiety.

The model of anxiety is the situation (A) which gives rise to the thought (B) that produces the symptoms (C).
This ABC sequence can increase itself in a sort of loop, going round and round like a roller coaster. The feeling of anxiety itself becomes the stimulus for further catastrophic thoughts.

We make a second prediction for ourselves eg "I feel scared." This new catastrophic thought makes us feel even more anxious. This emotional escalation is less easy to stop in situations  we can not avoid. We feel that we are not in control and the situation might overwhelm us.

Our anxiety can be managed as long as the thoughts about the situation are realistic and accurate. If we overestimate the danger,  our anxiety will increase. We predict danger when none actually exists.

Escalation of anxiety has four distinct phases.

1. We make unrealistic self statements that keep us in a  constant state of alrm.

2. We begin to fear fear itself.

3. We reject our own feelings as the fear escalates.

4. We avoid any situations,persons, or things that create feelings of arousal or anxiety.

Fortunately there is a way to cope with the nightmare of anxiety and panic.

Hypnotherapy helps you to relax, accept the alarming symtoms, replace old irrational beliefs with new responses and shuts off anxious feelings.

For further support just contact me using one of the following options below.

Tel: 015395 65893


email: info@lakelandandbaytherapy.co.uk

Mental health awareness is being raised this week.

If you have issues that affect your mental health and well being such as anxiety and stress than take action now.

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

potential benefits of hypnotherapy

So once you've relaxed using hypnosis what are the potential benefits which hypnotherapy could bring to you.

The following is a list of possible benefits which professional, ethical hypnotherapy could give you:

it improves anaesthesia in the body
it improves sleep
it reduces stress and anxiety
it helps to control painful symptoms
it can help in the control of bleeding
it helps to control the heart rate
it is useful in partial age regression
it develops the ability to concentrate
it increases the capacity to learn
in compresses thinking and recall.

There are other benefits when using hypnotherapy

weight management, stop smoking
treats habits and phobias
helps with self esteem, confidence and motivation
helps with anxiety and panic
it helps with abuse,loss and separation
it can be useful in surgery and dental work
it is helpful with mild depression

Sunday, 2 October 2011

What can hypnotherapy do for you ?

Hypnotherapy can be used to improve your general functioning to make you feel better mentally, physically, emotionally and socially.

It is not harmful in any way. I am sure that you feel uncertain sometimes about hypnosis and hypnotherapy. Perhaps friends have warned you about being controlled. Youcan not be made to go against your own values, beliefs.

The trance state can be ended by you the client. You choose to enter into it willingly so you can chose to leave it. The trance state of hypnosis is safe and the agreed suggestions which form part of the hypnotherapy have many benefits to offer.

The best thing to do  is try an hypnosis taster.

That way you will experience it for yourself and can come away feeling completely safe with assurance and a better knowledge of what hypnosis is about and how hypnotherapy could help you.

For further information just go the website address below:
